Thursday, April 19, 2012


Jowderballs... has come back  to the Weekend Warrior blog!!!!!

Hello hello!  It has been forever so I will not bore you with my usual long winded rants. Below is a pictoral review of the end of 2011 and the begining of 2012.

December 2011 -  Ran a couple holiday races

Went to Bermuda to run a 1/2 marathon in January and had a kickass time with the Q's

Swizzle INN, Swagger out!

Biker gang!

Me, my bling, and my girls!

Homeward bound, Jimmy  is so tall, he doesn't fit on film!

Went to NH for a weekend in January and found a perfect beer for my partner in crime Demacishaw.

Went to a TNA wrestling show with Mike D in January and got backstage passes.  ECW legend Rob Van Dam!

Asshole Mr. Anderson

Hernandes and his tag partner what's his name.

Jeff Hardy and Mike D

This weekend I got out on the mtn bike for a little bit.  It's beeen a while and apparently some things never change.  Here are a couple videos of my crashes.  Be patient, I haven't had a chance to edit this stuff and I am new with the camera.  Be sure to have the sound on and I hope you laugh as hard as Mrs. Jowderballs AKA THE BOSS did when she saw them.

Here are the resulting after affects of the second crash which occurred on a paved road.  Apparently my front tire slowly deflated after the first crash an when I went to turn off the road, the flat tire just rolled under  and proceeded to kick my ass.  I must say, I sometimes impress myself with my ability to usually land on my back after a crash, unfortunately, I do seem to hit the ground knee first.

We did the Wrentham Duathlon Sunday, felt ok.  Still slow.  First time on the road bike this year and felt strong considerng.  Took me 3 minutes longer this year which isn't a surprise since I am slow due to lack of consistent running and I suck at the transitions.  I am working on that though.  I have recently switched locations at work and I am hoping to get back in fighting shape now that I no longer have 2 hours worth of commutes each day!

Banged out a short 3.5 mile run today after a shoulder workout at the gym with Demacishaw that kicked my ass last night.  We are running Doyle's 5 miler this Sunday If anyone's interested in joining us.

That's all for now, have a great week!