OK, I'll start off with a big hello to everyone and an apology for taking a month to get a post out here. So what's been going on? I had a pretty kickass mountain bike ride with my boy Demacishaw, out by his place. Took us forever to get through the trails because of all the trees that were downed in a storm about a wek before the ride. It was prime conditions for slipping and sliding since it was cold, wet, and everything was covered by leaves. I had a nice crash riding up a steep hill. Funny how my worst crashes are always uphill. Anyways, back tire slipped out and I basically started to go backwards then fell over and bashed my right knee. That was fantastic! Got up and shook it off then finished the ride but that hurt like hell!
I've also done a couple of "holiday" runs with some friends. There are a couple pics below. These kinds of races are the best because you get a goup together, go out early on a Sunday morning and run a race (so you feel like you did some kind of workout) and then just hang around a local bar and have a couple drinks. And I have to tell you, there is no better buzz than the one you get after running a race and having 3 beers immediately after! good times. Anyway, here are the pics:
Bad Santa Joe and his little helper Jowderballs the Elf after the Winter Clasic in Cambridge
The Boss Mrs. Claws, JBalls the Elf, DW the Queen of CandyCane, Bad Santa Joe, and Charlie Tuna at the Asgard
Prerace at the JingleBell Run in Somerville, looking sharp!
JBalls and KQ, chillin post race!
The Boss Mrs. Claws, Crazy J the Elf, Tall AJ, Big Dome Brian, JBalls the Elf, and KQ, enjoying soe post race brews!
Drop about 25 - 30 lbs. I was between 170 and 175 a couple years ago and injury, poor eating habits and just plain old lazines let it get away from me. weighing it at 200lbs today strats me off at a nice round number, no pun intended!
Get some more consistency with my workouts. Lately it's been 2 days a week and 1 run, usually a race. I'd like to getb back to 3 days a week and waaaay more cardio.
Eat better. If I am going to drop the weight I want, and get the exercising in that I want, I need to clean up my diet so I don't feel so blah in the morning. At least I hope that helps since I struggle to get my ass out of bed at 4:45 to go to the gym.
Oh yeah, and go to bed early, again, so I can actually get out of bed in the morning.
I will be getting a helmet cam soon for my bike so I want to post some vids of my rides to this blog.
A few bigger goals, are to recover from my plantar fasciatis(and learn how to spell plantar fasciatis),
complete a couple half marathons, get my running speeds back to when I used to run 7 minute miles, maybe do a couple sprint triathlons, and other assorted races and events.
Well that's all for now, have a great and happy new year, talk to you soon!
Plantar is a real pain, literaly! Forget the P/T, cortizone shots and spend the cash on real orthodics. Been there, done that. Biomechanical is the only fix if you want to keep going. It's only money Bro.
ReplyDeleteKen Jones
Hey - as for your PF issue, invest in a foam roller and lacrosse ball and start using the roller to roll the shit out of your achilles, calves, peroneals, and sole of your foot (with the ball). That should help.